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Do I really need life insurance?

Everyone has asked themselves this question at least once in their life. No one wants to leave their family with the burden of figuring out how to cover their final expenses or the debt they leave behind. When choosing which life insurance is right for you, there are two types to choose from: Term and Whole Life.

There is coverage that will fit whatever your needs may be. If you are considering life insurance, here are a few reasons you shouldn’t wait a moment longer to purchase a plan that is right for you.

Funeral Expense Coverage

Did you know the average funeral cost is between $7,360 and $8,755? If you have special requests, that number can go even higher. Prepaid funeral plans don’t always cover extra expenses that may pop up, leaving your family to figure out how to pay the bill. The last thing you want is to add financial stress onto them when they are already grieving. Life insurance will give them the means to pay for any unexpected funeral expenses, leaving them free to focus on what matters.

Cover Estate​​ And Inheritance Taxes

You’ve been careful and made sure to leave your family with an inheritance they can rely on once you’re gone. That’s great, but did you know there are both estate and inheritance taxes? Taxes can take a considerable chunk out of the funds you left for your loved ones. Life insurance will allow them to pay those taxes without taking away any of the money you worked long and hard to provide. You didn’t plan and save so the government could receive your inheritance. Make sure your family can keep it all, just as you intended.

Pay Off Debt

The majority of people have some amount of debt they will leave behind when they pass. Credit cards, mortgages, and loans are just a few examples of the debts your family will be responsible for covering. Transferring hundreds or even thousands of dollars in unpaid bills can leave them in financial ruin. Make sure they don’t have to figure out how to pay your bills once you’re gone. Life insurance will cover all your remaining debts, leaving your family free of the burden caused by having to shoulder unexpected financial responsibilities.

Lost Wage Coverage

Your family may depend on your income, and losing it could have devastating effects. Whether you are the sole provider or you live in a two-income household, chances are the bills won’t get paid if you are no longer there to provide. Your family may face foreclosure, repossession, and even bankruptcy. Life insurance ensures your income is covered, and your loved ones don’t have to worry about losing their way of life on top of losing someone they love.

Education Expenses

Having life insurance can also provide for education expenses. Whether your family members are still in school or they have student loans, your life insurance plan can cover their remaining balance and take off the stress of repaying them. If you have any remaining education debt, you can also make sure it’s paid and doesn’t become your family’s responsibility.

Affordable And Easy

Life insurance is incredibly affordable, and there are many reputable brands from which to choose. Many plans start at only one dollar, and you can select coverage from a few hundred thousand to over a million dollars. Many companies allow you to sign up for coverage online, and some only have a basic health screening for approval. If you prefer to speak to an agent, many friendly, helpful ones are more than willing to answer all your questions and get you set up quickly and easily.

Peace Of Mind

Having peace of mind knowing your family is covered when you are no longer here is invaluable. No one wants to leave their family with a financial burden that adds to their grief in an already difficult time. Being covered for the unexpected and not worrying if you have enough money in savings to cover the cost of all your bills, as well as being able to support your family for years to come, is crucial. There is no need to stress or lose sleep thinking about your family’s well-being. Purchasing life insurance will give you the assurance you need to feel confident you are doing what’s best for your loved ones.

In conclusion, no one wants to think about not being here anymore, but the reality is it’s something we all have to face. Preparing for the unexpected and ensuring your family is financially secure is an act of love and shows them how much you care. Don’t leave your family with a financial burden; give them the gift of life insurance. Your loved ones will thank you!

Term insurance is a form of life insurance that provides coverage for a specific amount of time, depending on the length the insured chooses. If the insured dies within their term period and has an active policy, their beneficiary will receive the total benefit amount....

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is a type of life insurance that covers individuals for their entire life, as long as they continue to pay their premiums. Premiums remain fixed and will not go up as long as there is no lapse in payments.Whole life insurance also has the added benefit of building cash value over time....

Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance, also known as burial insurance, is a type of whole life insurance. As the name states, its focus is on covering only final expenses, and the death benefits are much lower than traditional whole life insurance plans.

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