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How to Save Money on Groceries

There is nothing like the feeling of walking into a grocery store and knowing that you were able to save money on your groceries. It feels good, doesn’t it? But saving money at the grocery store isn’t as easy as it sounds. You must plan, be selective about what you buy, and use coupons wisely to save big bucks.

Since 2009, grocery prices have increased at a rate of about 1.5% per month according to the US Department of Labor Statistics' CPI Inflation Calculator. Also, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, meat, poultry, fish, and egg prices in United States cities rose 15 percent between the beginning of 2020 and January 2021.

The cost of groceries continues to increase, leaving consumers feeling helpless about how to save money on groceries. Many are opting to grow their own food in hopes of saving enough money on groceries to at least have a bit more spending money. You don’t have to spend a fortune on groceries every month though. With these tips and tricks, you can learn how to save money on your weekly shop so you can put more toward other expenses or even treat yourself with some extra cash in your pocket!

Determine Your Grocery Budget

How much you are willing to spend on groceries each week? Some people have a set amount of money they try to stick to, while others may have a total grocery budget, but allocate only so much per grocery store visit.

Get a Head Start

Go food shopping early in the week. The weekend is often a time when we’re worn out from work and running around doing errands. 

Shopping on the weekends can be hectic and cause us to spend more than we would like because we’ve got our minds set on impulse buys and grabbing what we think we need, instead of considering buying it at another time when we know we’ll be clearer headed.

Make a Meal Plan

Organize a meal plan for the week and only buy what you will use. By planning your meals ahead of time, you can cut back on spending because you’re not buying ingredients that end up in the trash. 

The more organized you are when shopping, the more you save. 

Visit websites like, or even browse through some cookbooks to find recipes and get ideas for what you’re going to make each day of the week. 

Cut Back on Pricey Items

Milk is one of those things that we all need more than we realize until it’s gone, or you have to run out in the morning when there’s a line at the grocery store. 

Most people don’t consider buying wholesale for just themselves, but if you buy a half-gallon of milk instead of a gallon and pay attention to when it goes on sale, you can save money. 

The same goes for coffee or cheese. You can buy a small amount and save it for when you need it, rather than buying a large package that goes bad before you have time to use all of it.

Limit Your Trips to the Grocery Store

Plan your meals out ahead of time so you only go once instead of multiple times per week. 

Think about how many times per week or month you shop for groceries. If you limit yourself to one trip, you’re tracking your spending better and can purchase only what you need.

Look For Deals on Frequently Used Items

Look for the best deals on items that are used frequently in recipes (eg. chicken, ground beef & bread). Some of the most common foods in our diets end up costing us a lot more than we realize. 

You can save a lot of money by planning to cook with and eat these staple items often and buy them according to how much you need instead of always buying the same type and brand. 

Keep an Eye Out for Sales

If your favorite meat is on sale, stock up! Freezing meat is an easy way to help it last longer (it’s best to wrap each cut in plastic wrap or a freezer bag). If you know you won’t be able to use the meat for two weeks, buy extra and freeze half.

Use Coupons Wisely 

If you’re not careful, coupons can end up hurting your grocery budget instead of helping it. 

The key to using them wisely is to use them only when the item is on sale or if it ends up being cheaper at checkout with the coupon rather than its regular price. If it’s not a good deal, or if it’s not an item you use often or need, don’t worry about it.

See what you can purchase for less at a farmer’s market

Fruits and veggies are usually cheaper at farmer’s markets, where they come from local growers or producers. 

You can also opt to visit the farm itself during the growing season and buy fresh produce straight from the source. 

Purchase in Bulk

You’ll save more if it lasts longer than 5 days. This is one area where you won’t be able to freeze items or use them within 5 days, so buy accordingly! 

For example, buying cookies or chips by the bag instead of by the box will help to stretch your budget.

Buy Frozen Vegetables & Fruit

They’re just as good for cooking and taste great. In addition to being cheaper, you can use these items year-round and have them on hand whenever you need them. 

When purchasing frozen veggies, make sure the first ingredient is an actual vegetable (for example, corn instead of water). For fruit, make sure it’s packed in 100% fruit juice and not syrup. 

Don't Pay For Convenience

See what you can prepare yourself that would otherwise be prepared or prepped by a grocer. Many items that are wrapped or precut come with a hefty price tag, but you can make them yourself with minimal effort. 

For example, if you purchase a cucumber or tomato in the deli section, it’s almost always more expensive than if you buy the whole vegetable and cut it up at home to save even more money (and control exactly what goes into the dish).

Many items like cilantro, parsley, or bananas come pre-bagged and are severely overpriced. 

The key to saving money on groceries is by being wise about what you buy and how much of it. If a favorite food item goes on sale, stock up so that you have enough for future use. Plan your meals around the items you know are cheaper at farmer’s markets or from local growers more often than not. 

You can also save some money on groceries by opting to cook with frozen produce instead of fresh ones if they go out-of-season in your region. Finally, don’t pay for convenience - see what you can prepare yourself just as well as any grocery store would do! 

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